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Judge Wrestles With Release Of Bonds Juror Info

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS / AP) ― Several media companies are arguing for opening the jury selection process at the start of the Barry Bonds perjury trial.

Bonds' legal team and federal prosecutors argued for limiting the release of jurors' names and other information during the trial scheduled to begin March 21.

U.S. District Judge Susan Illston didn't rule Tuesday after hearing arguments. But she appeared inclined to issue some restrictions to ensure a fair trial.

At particular issue is the release of jurors' names. The media also want access to detailed questionnaires prospective jurors fill out before they are questioned by attorneys.

The questionnaires are designed to root out biased jurors by asking their opinions of the former San Francisco Giants slugger, baseball and steroids among other questions.

(© 2011 CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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