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High Gas Prices Affecting Bay Area Truck Drivers, Boat Operators

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) --- The recent spike in gas prices is putting the squeeze on any industry where transportation is in involved, which means everything from truck deliveries to boat operations.

At the SF Produce Market where trucks rumble in and out starting before dawn, the drivers are noticing the change. Just a few months ago, it cost Rusty Tarpley of What a Tomato $1,600 to get a truck of produce up from Mexico. He says now it's up to more than $1,800.

"It's getting pretty crazy," he said. "The bigger companies are going to survive and the little people are not."

KCBS' Holly Quan Reports:

At San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf, struggling fishermen are anticipating a healthy salmon season in the next few weeks but the cost to fuel up their boats may be prohibitive. One fisherman was on his way to recycle a grocery bag full of aluminum cans to help make ends meet.

"Whatever the price on the fish is the more we have to pay for fuel, the less profit," he said. "And the less I can afford to go."

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