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'It Is A Binge-Worthy Show': Hermione Corfield On Showtime's 'We Hunt Together'

(CBS Local)-- On Sunday, August 9, Showtime debuts a new drama that will be sure to keep viewers on their edges of their seats.

"We Hunt Together" is an hour long, six episode series from BBC Studios that explores the intoxication of sexual attraction and the dangerous power of emotional manipulation in a gripping twist on a classic cat-and-mouse story. Hermione Corfield is one of the stars of the show and she plays a woman named Freddy Lane, who is a killer on the run. The actor was drawn to the show because of the different dynamics between the characters.

"Freddy and Baba Lenga's in particular, there's this power struggle between the two of them and Freddy has a multi-faceted personality," said Corfield in an interview with CBS Local's DJ Sixsmith. "She can walk into any situation and be a chameleon and shape-shift into whatever she wants to be that will serve the greatest purpose for herself."

Lane and Lenga are the top priority for a pair of detectives who are trying to chase down the killers. The psychological drama pushed Corfield as an actor in ways she hadn't been challenged before.

"It was really interesting because ultimately she is a hustler," said Corfield. "She goes about life getting what she wants. Her actions are not always admirable or right, but I think she's got such a strong sense of self and understanding of what she thinks to be right, that nothing is going to sway her from that. She's going to go about doing her life how she wants. That's really fascinating and really interesting to explore. She has these sociopath tendencies, but is also somebody that can be funny and independent."

"We Hunt Together" premieres this Sunday at 10 p.m. EST/PST and Corfield wants viewers to be thinking about several things when they tune in and start binge-watching the series.

"I'd love for people to take away the human story," said Corfield. "I'd love to know that people are invested in each of the characters because they are all so different. There are so many layers to the characters and the story. I think it is a binge-worthy show and I think it's a show you want to watch all in one go. I want people to enjoy it for what it is as a cat and mouse drama, but also I want people to take away the human element and the idea that when we're born, we're a culmination of so many different things. We're all a layering of different external and internal factors."

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