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HealthWatch: Japan Students Train In San Francisco To Heal At Home

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS 5) - 20 physical therapy students from Japan have come to San Francisco to learn American techniques of healing and strengthening bodies.

The visit to the Ultrahealth Physical Therapy in San Francisco was planned months before the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan. Students had mixed feelings about coming to the U.S. when their country is in crisis, but said they felt the training will ultimately help them become better equipped to help those suffering in their homeland.

"I'm doing whatever I need to do, and this is what I need to do," said trip supervisor, Professor Masa Yoshi Kubo.

Kubo said it's essential that his students learn the American approach to physical therapy. "In Japan, we're just kind of receiving a command, we do whatever we are asked to do. Here they are independent scientists, there they are technicians," said Professor Kubo.

Student Daisuke Homma was among those who were ambivalent about coming.  Homma has friends in the disaster zone and said he wanted to help out there, but realized right now his skills are limited. "I decided to come here to grow for future people, patients," Homma said.

(Copyright 2011 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Wire services may have contributed to this report.)

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