Growing San Jose Homeless Encampment May Be Cleared Soon
SAN JOSE (KCBS) — A growing homeless encampment is becoming increasingly visible along the Guadalupe River near Mineta San Jose International Airport.
Makeshift tents made out of tarp and plastic cover the rapidly growing encampment. "Lately they're visible and are all over the place. They're not hiding anymore," said Gene Boginsky, who works at the nearby Sign Jose on Coleman Avenue.
When asked how it was affecting his business, Boginsky said, "Not too much yet, but we have a serious concern."
Growing San Jose Homeless Encampment Faces Clean Up
Neighbors are concerned about car burglaries and loitering that may be associated with the homeless.
Hans has been homeless for the past 10 years. He told KCBS that deserved to be there because he had no where else to go.
He said the campground has been growing for two reasons: winter rains have flooded the homeless out of the river banks, and raids by the city have pushed people away from other homeless encampments and into this field.
"You know they want to help the homeless, but they just move us from one spot to another spot," said Hans.
The city said the encampment is now its top priority for a cleanup operation, which could happen in 30 to 60 days.
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