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GOP Spending $2 Million In California Senate Race

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republicans moved up a $2 million investment in California's U.S. Senate race after recent polls showed Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer opening up a lead over GOP rival Carly Fiorina.

The money from the National Republican Senatorial Committee is going to a statewide television ad campaign that tries to link excessive government spending to economic woes in California. The ad plays to voter sentiment about many incumbents and notes that Boxer has held federal office for 28 years.

"We can change this, but only if we change the people we send to Washington," the ad states.

Fiorina is the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Her campaign is also spending an undisclosed amount on the same ad campaign. In the primary, Fiorina spent $5.5 million of her own money on the race.

The GOP committee had previously disclosed that it was reserving air time in California for the final week of the campaign. The announcement Monday is a change of tactics that reflects the need to keep the race close going into its final weeks.

The move also assures California Republicans that the national GOP remains invested in the race—something that has not happened in recent Senate races in California.

A Field Poll showed Boxer with a 47 percent to 41 percent lead over Fiorina.

"The NRSC's financial investment in this race demonstrates our commitment to Carly Fiorina's candidacy and our confidence that California is a very competitive pickup opportunity," said the committee's spokeswoman, Amber Marchand.

The Boxer campaign has financed three television ads so far in California. The latest began airing last week and was critical of Fiorina's tenure at HP. The campaign did not have immediate response to the GOP committee's announcement.

(© 2010 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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