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GameDay: Tiger's Pressure? Nothing Compared To Gustafson

CBS 5 Sports Director Dennis O'Donnell hosts "Gameday" every Sunday night at 11:30pm and offers his unique sports analysis here.

SAN MARTIN, CA (CBS 5) - As Tiger Woods' critics swoop down on the South Bay this week there seems to be growing sentiment that the pressure is mounting on the 14-time major winner to regain his major touch. Despite the other 11 major winners playing the Open, it is Tiger who single-handedly doubled attendance projections.

But if you caught Sophie Gustafson's rare TV interview, perhaps you can gain a true measure of what pressure is all about. Gustafson, who suffers from a severe stuttering disorder, decided to do an interview for the Golf Channel. In her blog today, she described the interview in greater detail. Here is what she said.

"The Golf Channel set me up alone in a room with a rolling camera. I had gotten the questions written down for me so all I had to do was read out the questions and then answer them. Sounds pretty simple. What you saw in the 3 minutes and 30 second interview was a 70 minute struggle for me and a 2 hours and 30 minutes editing for the poor bugger at the Golf Channel.  I am, however, very glad I did it and I am overwhelmed by the amount of positive response I have gotten. I had absolutely no idea that this interview would stir up so many emotions in people. I just wanted to say a few words about the tournament I love."

After watching the interview and reading her blog I am reminded why I love my job.

Here's the interview. I guarantee you, you will be moved.

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