Fed-Up Father Of Bullied Son Files Restraining Order Against Fairfield 9-Year-Old
FAIRFIELD (CBS SF) -- A fed-up father has asked a judge for a restraining order against a 9-year-old boy accused of verbally and physically assaulting his son at his school in Fairfield.
The student, a fourth grader at Rolling Hills Elementary said he was terrorized by the school bully.
Stephen Feudner, the boy's father, said he was stonewalled by the school for months, which prompted him to go to court. "It was my last resort," he said.
Citing privacy issues, Feudner said the school wouldn't tell him much about what happened or about the boy accused of bullying.
"I tried everything else so why not try that? And it was granted," Feudner said.
The actual order may never be issued as the school refuses to release the full name and address of the 4th grade student. The order must be served within five days, otherwise it may end up being null and void.
Feudner said he would do it all over again. "I'm glad I did it. Not only for my son, for the rest of the children," he said.
The Solano County Sheriff's Department reports this is the first order of its kind against a child. But if the family gets the correct information about the alleged bully, the restraining order could be granted.
The superintendent of the Fairfield-Suisun School District told KPIX 5 on Friday that safety is their number one priority. But the superintendent said she could not talk about the case because of privacy issues.