Facebook's Plan For Dorms On Menlo Park Campus Rejected By Planning Commission
MENLO PARK (KCBS) -- The Menlo Park planning commission decided against moving a plan ahead last night that would have allow for corporate housing at Facebook.
They became deadlocked on the city's general plan update.
The update as a whole - with millions of square feet of development could bring in 20,000 more residents over the next few decades - 1,500 of them may live at Facebook under recommendations that will now go to the city council.
"There's a need for affordable housing. There's also a need for short-term corporate housing, so we saw this as an area where we could potentially put housing, and not have any parking," a Facebook spokesman told KCBS.
That Facebook spokesman told the commission that they don't yet know what those homes would look like, but they are hoping the city re-zones the area near Facebook's headquarters so that those apartments could become a reality.
The dorm-style homes would be for employees only, not their spouses, unless they also work at Facebook. Kids wouldn't be allowed either.
The planning commission was too split over transportation issues to give the plan their stamp of approval. It's now up to the city.