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East Bay business owner's food truck stolen on Christmas Eve

East Bay business owner's food truck stolen on Christmas eve
East Bay business owner's food truck stolen on Christmas eve 02:18

An East Bay business owner is still trying to come to terms with what happened to him this Christmas Eve.

"You put 6,000 hours in and somebody can take everything from you in six minutes," said Scott.

Scott woke up Sunday morning and did what he does every morning. He drove down to the store where he buys supplies for his restaurant, Touch of Soul, to check on his food trailer that he keeps in their parking lot.

But this morning when he drove to check on the trailer, it was gone.

"Oh man, I was furious. I mean it's something you never imagine will happen," said Scott.

The nearby store caught the robbery on camera. In the video, you can see a white car parked in front of the food trailer, then seconds later it pulls away taking the trailer with it.

Scott said the worst part is that he was supposed to be using that trailer for a big Christmas Eve event just hours later.

"We usually give food out to the homeless in the food truck. So, we had a big event coming up to give food to the homeless, and we are going to try to continue to do that but right now it kind of put a damper on our program," said Scott.

Now, he is just hoping the police can track down the suspects and get his trailer back. If not, he said he'll most likely have to raise money to buy a new one and that could take months.

"Right now, we're trying to keep our hands crossed and be positive that the police or the agencies recover it and get back," said Scott.

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