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Dozens Gather At Pro-Police Rally In Vallejo

VALLEJO (KCBS/KPIX 5) -- After weeks of demonstrations against police brutality around the Bay Area, some residents in Vallejo turned out Saturday to rally in support of police officers.

The group, a few dozen strong, gathered on the steps of the Vallejo Police Department in the 100 block of Amador Street. Some waved signs reading 'police lives matter,' co-opting the slogan 'black lives matter.'

The rally was the brainchild of Vallejo resident Sam Kurshan, a self-described 'regular joe.' He said he couldn't stand idly by while police departments around the nation are criticized.

"Police protect us selflessly everyday, they have families they may not come home to at night," said Kurshan. "Without the police there'd be no law and order and structure to our society, people would just run wild. You can't scapegoat the police like this, it's wrong."

Another woman who turned out said it is important to give back to police, in spite of a few bad apples, "like any organization."

"The vast majority of are wonderfully supportive and take care of us."

Dee, another woman, said she was proud to attend.

"A little appreciation never hurt," she said. "Especially with all the slander and misunderstanding going on."

A second, smaller group staged a counter-rally at the same location. Their message was that they are fed up with police brutality.

"We're out here because they want to support the police but they don't want to impose accountability," said Cindy Mitchell. "There's no accountability."

There were no tensions or confrontations between the two groups.

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