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Dogs Hang 10 In Annual SoCal Surf Competition

SAN DIEGO (CBS) - Over 50 dogs of all sizes gathered along the shore of San Diego for an intense day of competitive surfing on Saturday. The event drew in hundreds of local citizens as well as dog surfers from across the U.S.

The 6th annual dog surfing competition, officially known as the Loews Coronado Bay Resort Surf Dog Competition, has become one of the most unique events in Southern California, sparking a growing movement for dog surfing across the globe. Dogs compete in ten minute heats as they attempt to catch at least two waves. The heats are subdivided into three categories, small dogs, large dogs and tandem dogs. Judges look for confidence in the four legged surfers as well as a long wave ride and a good sense of fashion.

"I'm looking out there to see how those dogs can grip it and rip it and how they balance. I also like to see a little bit of style, so, how do they look on the board. And then, what always puts things over the top for me is, do they ride the board a little bit, can they get up and down and kind of walk back and forth," said Kathleen Cochran, General Manager of Loews Coronado Bay Resort and event judge. "It's really a lot of fun."

This year's first place winners under the small dog category, Michael Uy and his Australian Kelpie, Abbie Girl, also took home third place under the category of tandem dogs. This is the second time the duo, who have been surfing for four years, take home the first place prize.

"We just try to have a good time. It was just a blast. The conditions were amazing today so we had a great time," said Uy.

Winners of the competition receive a special vacation package at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort. All profits from the competition are donated to, an online forum which provides a space for public teachers in San Diego to request and receive funding for school supplies from private sponsors.

(Copyright 2011 by CBSSan Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Wire services may have contributed to this report.)

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