Displaced Occupy Oakland Members Camp Out In San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) –The Occupy San Francisco encampment is growing, boosted by refugees from the Oakland camp, but protesters in San Francisco fear a police raid on their camp is imminent.
Police came and dropped off hundreds of metal barricades Monday, stacking them on all four corners of Harry Bridges Plaza, fueling speculation within the Occupy SF camp that this will be the next site raided by police.
Photo Gallery: Bay Area Occupy Protests
The growing number of police on the scene, however, said they knew nothing about a raid, and couldn't give a reason for the barricades.
KCBS' Doug Sovern Reports:
Meanwhile, the Occupy SF tents now run the length of Market Street, from the Federal Reserve, all the way to the Embarcadero.
Occupier Michael Williams said that protestors chased out of Frank Ogawa Plaza in Oakland are joining this camp.
"Oh yeah, at least half of Oakland's Occupiers are here, and I believe we'll get a mass occupation," said Williams.
Other members of the former encampment outside Oakland City Hall were apparently pitching their tents at a smaller but growing protest at Snow Park near Lake Merritt.
KCBS' Tim Ryan Reports:
Meanwhile, students and faculty at UC Berkeley were holding a full day strike and "teach in," which was expected to draw activists from the Occupy Oakland movement.
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