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Daily Madden: Why Baseball's Preseason Beats Football's Preseason

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) - "Why are baseball preseason spring exhibition games embraced and football preseason exhibition games hated?" John Madden asked the KCBS Radio morning crew.

KCBS sports anchor Steve Bitker suggested the NFL would be better served by playing preseason games in cities that don't have NFL teams.

Madden thinks it also has to do with the way football preseason games are marketed.

"I don't know anyone who really hates preseason football, because if you really hate it, you just don't watch it," Madden said. "I think they hate paying full prices for it. I think they hate having it on their season ticket plan."

Madden said he has discussed the issue with the NFL commissioner, but "a lot of it is under the context of just playing two preseason games and 18 regular season games, and I'm not for that either."

Currently, teams play four preseason games and 16 regular season games at NFL team stadiums.

"We used to travel and play (preseason) games in cities and areas that didn't have NFL teams," Madden said. "We had it at one time, you know the whole training camp starting, preseason games, and it was all good. And now it's not so good." (9:00)

Daily Madden

Listen to the John Madden segment live weekday mornings at 8:15 on KCBS All News 740 AM/106.9 FM.

(Copyright 2013 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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