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Daily Madden: Akers' Fall From Grace

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) - The 49ers released kicker David Akers, the six-time Pro Bowl selection who finished 30th in the NFL in field goal percentage last season.

"David Akers was not just a good kicker, he was a great kicker," John Madden told the KCBS Radio morning crew. "And then boom, something happens and he can't kick anymore."

Akers, who is 38-years-old, had sports hernia surgery last year and may have aggravated the injury during the season.

"Playing in San Francisco is tough - the wind in San Francisco is tough and always has been tough. Age gets you, your leg, then you have the injury, the surgery, complications or whatever from that. There are a lot of things that go into it. Which comes first? Do you have some physical problems and then that causes you to over-compensate, and then you get the mental problems and you get the yips? Or does it start with the yips?... You really don't know, but you do know that it's there."

Madden said he was watching the Cal-Stanford basketball game on TV Wednesday night when a shoving match broke out in the second half. Two Stanford assistant coaches and one Cal assistant coach were ejected for leaving the bench.

"All these guys in dark suits come running in," Madden said. "They're like ants. You think, who are these guys?... I had no idea that it took that many guys in suits to coach a college basketball game."

Stanford upset Cal 83-70. (7:45)

Daily Madden

Listen to the John Madden segment live weekday mornings at 8:15 on KCBS All News 740 AM/106.9 FM.
(Copyright 2013 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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