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CSU, UC Chancellors: No Plan To Increase Student Fees

SACRAMENTO (AP) -- The chancellors of the University of California and California State University systems say they don't plan to seek student fees increases this year, despite a state budget proposal that calls for deep cuts to higher education.

But UC Chancellor Mark Yudof and CSU Chancellor Charles Reed said Monday that promise won't hold if Californians don't agree to tax extensions that Gov. Jerry Brown is proposing for the June ballot.

Brown, a Democrat, wants to extend increases on income, sales and vehicle taxes for five years to help close California's $25.4 billion budget shortfall through June 2012.

He's proposed a combined $1 billion in cuts to UC and CSU, and $400 million in cuts to community colleges.

The heads of all three systems testified at a budget hearing in Sacramento on Monday.

(© 2011 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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