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ConsumerWatch: Bay Area Family Left Without Power For 3 Days

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS 5) -- A Bay Area family was expecting a new power meter from Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Instead, they ended up without power for several days without notice.

When PG&E came to Grace Thomson's home to install a new SmartMeter, they found jumper cables used to steal power. But according to Thomson she was unaware of the cables and was left without electricity for three days.

As a result, Thomson said she missed an important doctor's call. "I don't believe they have a right to do that," she said.

According to Mindy Spatt with The Utility Reform Network (TURN), if PG&E believes there is a safety concern, it is legal for them to turn off a consumer's electricity. But Spatt adds that there are some exceptions.

For instance Spatt said the Thomson's were not at fault in this case.

PG&E told CBS 5 ConsumerWatch the jumper cables "creat(ed) a safety risk" and typically power is not restored until the utility "know(s) the illegal activity has ceased."

But after three days without power, Thomson said she can't believe PG&E did not give her the benefit of the doubt.

PG&E gave the Thomson's a $100 credit, but Grace Thomson wants PG&E to create a public service announcement encouraging people with medical conditions to inform their utilities.

(Copyright 2011 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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