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Concord mulls next steps to restart Naval Weapons Station redevelopment

Decades-long plan to build homes at Concord Naval Weapons Station falls through
Decades-long plan to build homes at Concord Naval Weapons Station falls through 03:18

CONCORD – The Concord City Council on Tuesday will hold a study session to discuss the city's next steps for selecting a new master developer for the former Concord Naval Weapons Station.

In January, the council voted 3-2 to reject the city's term sheet with Seeno Homes-owned Concord First Partners (CFP) to develop one of the largest redevelopment projects in Bay Area history.

The city's exclusive negotiating agreement with Seeno expired Jan. 31.

The council will act in its official role as the designated Local Reuse Authority for the 2,275-acre future development on the city's northeast side. The site was originally 5,046 acres, 2,600 of which will become a new East Bay Regional Park named Thurgood Marshall Regional Park - Home of the Port of Chicago 50. 

The city envisioned approximately 13,000 units of housing and millions of square feet of commercial space in what has been the biggest ongoing issue in the city since the Navy abandoned the property in 1999.

The city abandoned its agreement with Seeno after being widely criticized by the community. Among the points of contention between the city and the developer were CFP's requests to amend the agreement to give them early property rights and reimbursement of costs should the deal fall through. 

A report for Tuesday's meeting says city staff is asking the council for direction on desired term sheet parameters and a method for selecting a new master developer. Staff said it wants to return to the council on April 23 for it to review and give staff the green light to release a new request for qualifications to potential developers.

The Concord City Council meets at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the city council chambers at city hall, 1950 Parkside Drive, in Concord. The meeting can be seen virtually at

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