CBS San Francisco Celebrates Black History Month
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) - On Thursday night, February 21st KPIX 5/The CW 44 Cable 12 and CBS SF Radio held their 8th Annual Black History Month reception at the stations. Representatives from the African American Art & Culture Complex (AAACC) partnered with the stations and attended the reception.
It is an opportunity for members of the community to not only celebrate the month, but also to network with staff from radio and television and pitch stories ideas, learn more about other on air opportunities like the Jefferson Awards which airs on tv and radio; community affairs programs; and how to submit Public Service Announcements for both radio and television.
PHOTOS: Black History Month Reception 2013
In attendance from the stations: Doug Harvill, Bruno Cohen, Dan Rosenheim, Lisa White, Ed Cavagnaro, Leann James, Leona Wong, Dr. Brenda Wade, Elizabeth Cook, Ken Bastida, Paul Deanno, Dennis O'Donnell and others. Key community members included Francee Covington, Interim Director of the AAACC, Tamika Chenier, Program Director of the AAACC, and SF Supervisor London Breed.
(Copyright 2013 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)