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Carly Rae Jepsen Throws 'Worst First Pitch, Ever'

Carly Rae Jepsen Throws Terrible First Pitch by FOX Sports on YouTube

(CBS NEWS) - Carly Rae Jepsen can strike magic on the record charts, but not necessarily on the ball field.

The "Call Me Maybe" singer threw what some have described as one of the "worst ever" ceremonial first pitches in baseball history during a game between the Tampa Bay Rays and Houston Astros (the Rays won 5-0) in St. Petersburg, Fla., on Sunday.

Jepsen sported a #8 jersey as she stepped on to the pitcher's mound at Tropicana Field, where she was barely able to get the ball airborne before it landed and slowly crept past the first base line -- knocking a camera out of a photographer's hands in the process. Pitcher Matt Moore was seen scrambling after the ball.

The Rays' sportscasters were baffled and speculated as to what could have gone wrong. After all, the 27-year-old singer did manage to throw an impressive first pitch at a Baltimore Orioles game in April.

"We saw her warming up and she was giving strike after strike," one of the Rays' commentators noted, saying of the botched pitch, "She just held on to it a little bit too long right there."

Jepsen has been a good sport about the whole debacle and posted photos on her Instagram:


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