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Boxer, Fiorina to Debate Tonight

September is here, and with it the fall campaign season begins in earnest with Wednesday's U.S. Senate debate in Moraga between Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer and Republican challenger Carly Fiorina.

Former HP C.E.O. Fiorina has been attacking Senator Boxer for months, and now at St. Mary's College, she finally gets to do it face to face.

"Barbara Boxer represents the worst of stale, entrenched incumbency," Fiorina has said.

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Boxer faces her toughest challenge yet as she tries for a fourth term in the Senate. On Tuesday she told the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco that she looks forward to showing voters how far apart she and Fiorina are on the issues facing California.

"The choice is really clear, so I'm not worried, I'm excited," said Boxer. "This is one of the clearest elections in the nation, and lets just put it this way... it's not about hair, it's about real issues that matter."

It's a one-hour debate, and for now it's the only one both Boxer and Fiorina have agreed to do.

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