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Bay Area Parents Say Time Cover Mom Breastfed Until Age 6

SAN RAMON (CBS 5) - This week's cover of Time Magazine, featuring a Bay Area native breastfeeding her child, has sparked debate about the appropriateness of breastfeeding older children. The parents of the cover woman told CBS 5 they don't see what all of the fuss is about.

Tom And Margie Morjig's phone began ringing off the hook shortly after the magazine hit the stands. Their daughter, 26-year-old Jamie Grumet, has become an overnight crusader.

"She's really, really confident in herself and confident in what she is doing," said Tom Morjig.

The article is about encouraging breastfeeding into toddlerhood, co-sleeping and baby wearing. Attachment parenting, as it is known, wasn't something that Grumet read a book on. She learned it from her own parents, who said that closeness was just a way of life in their family. Jamie nursed until she was six-years-old.

Her mother Margie said she long ago became accustomed to taking criticism similar to what he daughter faces now.

"I had to go through a lot in the 80's," said Margie. "People did not want to see me nursing as much as I was, and I was picked on."

Now her daughter is taking over the cause she started decades ago.

"I talked to her last night and the heat was coming in from everywhere and I asked her 'you okay with this baby' and she said 'Yeah, Daddy I'm alright. I'll get my message out,'" recalled Tom.

"I am excited to watch and see what Jamie does next because I have all the confidence in the world in her. After all she takes after me," said her mother.

(Copyright 2012 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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