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Bay Area Congresswoman Alarmed By Rise In Military Suicides

SAN MATEO (CBS/KCBS)-Mental health issues are leading American soldiers to suicide in alarming numbers.

A soldier from Grass Valley is the latest in a long line of military suicides. According to the Pentagon, he died of self-inflicted wounds on a base in Afghanistan.

One Bay Area Congresswoman wants to take action to try and stop these alarming numbers of military deaths and said the statistics sends chills up her spine.

KCBS' Janice Wright Reports:

"More of our soldiers have died because of suicide in Afghanistan than in combat," said Speier. "Our soldiers are taught to be tough and strong and if you show any kind of mental health issues, that's a weakness and you're shunned. War is hell."

KCBS Reports:

According to Peninsula Congresswoman Jackie Speier, there have been 2,100 suicides since 2001 and 1,400 combat deaths. However, mental health screening doesn't take place, until after the soldiers are discharged from the military.

Speier wants to change that with a bill in Congress would set up a program for returning vets to have confidential screening after their tours.

(© 2011 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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