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Audit Finds $3M Fault With California High-Speed Rail Bills

SACRAMENTO (AP) -- A state audit said the agency in charge of a proposed $43 billion bullet train linking San Francisco and Los Angeles paid nearly $3½ million in bills without getting adequate documentation.

The Los Angeles Times said the state inspector general reviewed more than $9 million in payments and found problems with 38 percent of them.

The audit released Wednesday also found that the California High-Speed Rail Authority had other questionable expenses, including $700,000 for a consultant who doesn't work for the project.

Another state audit earlier this year also concluded that the rail authority failed to properly track expenses, including $4 million worth of contract work.

Requests for comment from the rail authority weren't immediately answered.

(© 2010 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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