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ANTM Host Tyra Banks Doing Good

Tyra Banks is putting what she learned at Harvard to good use!

Tyra is opening a leadership development center which will be called the Tyra Banks TZONE at the Lower Eastside Girls Club. The building will include a bakery, studio space, a wellness center, and a planetarium. The new building will be opening next year.

"My dream was to have a place that was brick and mortar, where they could build on that experience all the time," she told The New York Times. "The real impact is to have consistency, as opposed to an excursion."

If you don't remember, Tyra enrolled in a nine-week-long program at Harvard's Business School. She passed the program in February 2012.

"What I don't want to be is Tyra, the 'celebrity girl,' coming here and the girls being excited when they see me," she said. "I want them to be numb to me. I can do normal work here and they can see me, to know that this is what a business is. It's not about living on a red carpet. I am a businesswoman who goes to work every single day."

It's always nice to see a celebrity doing good! We think what Tyra is doing is awesome and we look forward to seeing how the center turns out.

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