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Anchor Michelle Griego Brings New Morning Team Member To The Newsroom For The 1st Time

Q: Hey Roberta! When does Michelle Griego return from Maternity Leave? Anna Cole; Martinez

A: Funny you should ask! Michelle returns on Monday, September 6.

There is a new addition to our KPIX Morning News Team! Meet Michelle and her husband Macario's baby girl, Ciera Lola.  Yep, that's her in my arms! She is the most precious baby with the fullest head of black hair I have ever seen! She feels good, smells good and if Michelle is lucky, I will give her back!

I hope all of you will tune in on Monday, Labor Day, and send "welcome back" greetings to Michelle on our KPIX Facebook page! We will be reading your notes on TV! And by the way, we all want to thank the very talented (and hysterically funny)  Maria Medina for filling in for Michelle while she was away.

Maria now returns to Reporting for KPIX , covering the Santa Clara Valley for our Evening Newscasts. We will miss her, but we are extrememly happy (and a little jealous) she never has to set her alarm to wake up at 2am again.

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