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7 Things We Never Thought Would Happen Before The Raiders Won A Game

OAKLAND (CBS SF) - With three playoff teams from last year in the division, you had to know the Raiders were in for another long season, but did you really think you'd be planning your Thanksgiving feast before the silver & black got in the win column? Here are things we didn't expect to see before Raider Nation got to celebrate.

Oakland elected a new mayor promising to keep the team in town

Like predecessor Jean Quan, Libby Schaaf wants to see the Raiders stay in Oakland. A winning season and a full Coliseum sure would help her chances.

A futuristic robot learned all of the 'Karate Kid' moves

This terminator looking device can now wax-on and wax-off, as well as paint the fence. But the Raiders can't claim a win.

Jose Canseco shot himself while cleaning his gun

This guy is always worth of a headline, the same can't be said of the 2014 Raiders.

The Giants hosted another victory parade

The Raiders had seven chances to pull an upset before the wild card Giants shocked the baseball world (again). Didn't happen.

Man landed a probe on a comet hurling through space

Now if scientists could figure out how to land a few more end-zone passes in the hands of Raider wideouts we wouldn't be talking about this.

The BART Airport Extension Works

The tram extension from the Coliseum station to the Oakland Airport could actually open before the Raiders get a win. They've still got until Thanksgiving weekend for this one. Good luck Raiders.

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