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49ers V. Seahawks Rivalry Hits Radio Airwaves, LIVE 105 Bans Seattle Bands

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) -- With fan ferocity reaching fever pitch before Sunday's NFC Championship game, the local airwaves are going to be Seattle-free this weekend for CBS station LIVE 105, as DJs nix  rockers from Seahawks territory in favor of local promotions and 49ers support.

It was a simple decision for LIVE 105 manager Brandon Paski.

"In light of news stories about Seattle banning California from buying tickets to the football game, inflated prices at bars, we decided it was only fair to not play bands who hail from Seattle this weekend on LIVE 105," Paski told

No bands from Seattle, and no tickets for any bands from Seattle.

Instead, the alternative rock format station will play all non-Seattle bands, and highlight local shows with ticket giveaways.

RELATED: LIVE 105 Bans Seattle Bands, Gives Away Tickets To Bay Area Events

RELATED: Top 10 Things From Seattle To Boycott This Weekend

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