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Failed Policies: One Suspect. Three Agencies. Countless Questions.


CHP said it didn't have video from a deadly park shootout. Turns out, it does.

For months, the CHP claimed the video didn't exist. CBS Sacramento has now exclusively obtained nearly seven hours of police video from the day suspect Eric Abril allegedly shot an officer and two hostages at a Roseville park. In response to CBS13's ongoing investigation into April's deadly Mahany park shooting in Roseville, the California Highway Patrol on Monday released never-before-seen cell phone, helicopter, and drone footage from that day. The shootout began with a controversial decision by the California Highway Patrol to serve a planned, high-risk search warrant to an armed felon at a public park surrounded by spring break day camps without notifying local police. This video provides a new context for the deadly shooting that traumatized a quiet community. Out of respect for the victims and their families, CBS Sacramento is choosing not to publish any images of the victims from that day.


EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: CBS13 obtains never-before-seen footage from the Mahany Park Shootout in Roseville

In response to CBS13's ongoing investigation into April's deadly Mahany park shooting in Roseville, the California Highway Patrol on Monday released never-before-seen cell phone, helicopter, and drone footage from that day. Out of respect for the victims and their families, CBS Sacramento is choosing not to publish any images of the victims from that day. For nine months, the CHP claimed this video didn't exist. CBS Sacramento was first to obtain nearly seven hours of police video from the day suspect Eric Abril allegedly shot an officer and two hostages at a Roseville park with spring break day campers nearby. This is a short compilation of the never-before-seen video from last year's CHP-Mahaney Park shootout in Roseville. The CHP chopper and drone video seem to begin after Jim MacEgan was shot. The video appears to show Abril using Patty MacEagan as a human shield and shooting her in the arm, before surrendering.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: CHP denied that this video of a deadly shooting existed. Turns out, it does

For nine months, the CHP claimed this video didn't exist. CBS Sacramento has now exclusively obtained nearly seven hours of police video from the day suspect Eric Abril allegedly shot an officer and two hostages at a Roseville park. In response to CBS13's ongoing investigation into April's deadly Mahany park shooting in Roseville, the California Highway Patrol on Monday released never-before-seen cell phone, helicopter, and drone footage from that day. The shootout began with a controversial decision by the California Highway Patrol to serve a planned, high-risk search warrant to an armed felon at a public park surrounded by spring break day camps without notifying local police. This video provides new context for the deadly shooting that traumatized a quiet community. Out of respect for the victims and their families, CBS Sacramento is choosing not to publish any images of the victims from that day.


VIDEO: Failed Policies: One Suspect. Three Agencies. Countless Questions.

PART 1: A hostage killed. Kids traumatized. Yet, CHP remains silent. An officer and hostage were shot. Another hostage was killed. Seven months later, CHP still wouldn't answer basic questions about their decisions that day or the related agency policies that affect all Californians. In our initial story, we take a look back at the controversial decision by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to serve a high-risk search warrant to an armed felon at a public park surrounded by day camps. PART 2 : What is law enforcement hiding? For months, the CHP claimed it didn't have any dashcam video from the shooting. (Spoiler alert, it did.) Following our initial report, and appeals in which we explained that our sources had seen the video, the CHP finally released an excerpt of its dashcam video just hours before this story was set to air. But other agencies continued withholding bodycam video and public information. In our follow-up story, we examine how the law enforcement response to the Roseville CHP shootout could set a concerning precedent for future police shootings statewide. PART 3: The escape and lessons learned. As accountability journalists, we believe it's important to give credit where credit is due. Mistakes happen. Sometimes horrific ones. But it's often the response to those mistakes that matter most. In a third report, we examine the suspected killer's escape from custody at a local hospital and highlight how transparency from the local Sheriff was the key to regaining the public's trust. This reporting is ongoing in 2024.


A hostage killed. Kids traumatized. Yet, CHP remains silent on its decision to serve a high-risk search warrant to an armed felon at a public park.

An officer and hostage were shot. Another hostage -- killed. It's been seven months and CHP still won't answer basic questions about policies that impact all Californians. In part one of our series, Julie Watts investigates the controversial decision to serve a high-risk search warrant to an armed felon at a public park surrounded by kids.

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