A new study by Envrionmental Working Group shows found just how much sugar are in kids' cereals. Here are the ten with the most sugar. Image by Free-StockPhotos.com
Froot Loops
When measured by weight, 41.4 percent of the cereal is sugar. (cedit: Kellogg's)
Cap n' Crunch's Crunch Berries
Cap'n Crunh Berries also has 42.3 percent sugar. (credit: Cap'n Crunch)
Apple Jacks
Apparently there is a little more sugar than apple in this cereal which has 42.0 percent sugar. (credit: Kellogg's)
A cereal inspired by a sweet treat registers in 43.3 percent sugar. (credit: Kellogg's)
Honey Graham Oh's
Apparently the 'good things' in the middle are sugar...this cereal has 44.4 percent sugar. (credit: Quaker)
Cap'n Crunch
Cap'n Crunch checks in with 44.4 percent sugar. (credit: Cap'n Crunch)
Cap n' Crunch's OOPS! All Berries
Froot Loops Marshmallow
Adding marshmallow versions of Toocan Sam brings this cereal to 48.3 percent sugar. (credit: Kellogg's)
Golden Crisp
This cereal has 51.9 percent sugar. (credit: Post)
Honey Smacks
A one-cup serving of Honey Smacks has more sugar than a Hostess Twinkie. (credit: Kellogg's)