Yuba-Sutter Toys For Tots In Dire Need Of Donations For Families
YUBA CITY (CBS13) — Bob Harlan might as well be Santa Claus.
But despite all the toys in his workshop right now, there is still not enough to go around.
"We're definitely down quite a bit. I would say by about 1,000 toys," he said. "There's just so many people that don't have anything."
The Toys For Tots Program in Yuba and Sutter counties is reporting contributions are way down from last year.
Harlan says the group serves 600 families in the community.
"The parents come in this Friday and Saturday and they'll get to shop for their kids," he said.
But days away from delivering to those in need, Harlan needs more help.
"So many of us don't see that side of our community," he said. "We see the side where everyone is out bustling around buying things."
Harlan says the group's biggest need is gifts for boys and girls ages 9-14.