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Woman Fights Off ATM Attacker With Her Shoe

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- Tuesday morning a Sacramento woman did what many of us do every day. She went to an ATM to get money. That's when things went very wrong, but the bad guy ended up getting more than he bargained for.

Marie, who didn't' want to use her full name or put her face on camera, showed CBS13 the brutal bite marks from her ATM attack at 8 in the morning in Oak Park. She says the suspect jumped on her after she called him out for having a plastic toy gun.

"When he bit me I screamed, because god it hurt," she said. "He body-slammed me and knocked me down to the ground and started biting my hand."

But Marie managed to hold on to her cash and credit card, so he bit her again, this time on her back.

"You don't hear about humans biting other humans. It's normally dogs that bite them," she said.

Angry and in pain, she fought back with the only weapon she had -- her shoe.

One swat was all it took, and the suspect ran off. Now Marie is the talk of her neighborhood because of her bravery.

"I dont know if I'm proud or if I think I'm a little bit crazy for doing it," she said.

Sacramento police urge people not to take matters into their own hands with robbery suspects, and Marie says she knows her confrontation could have put her in serious danger. But at the time, she felt she had to fight back.
"I want him to know he can't get away with this," she said. "But I want everyone else to keep an eye out because it could happen to someone else."

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