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Wilton woman pleads for help to find her 23-year-old horse missing for days

Sacramento County woman has desperate plea for help in search for sick, missing horse
Sacramento County woman has desperate plea for help in search for sick, missing horse 02:48

WILTON -- A woman in Sacramento is sharing a desperate plea after her sick horse went missing from her home on Monday. 

So far, Jean Bishop and community members in Wilton who are watching for the 23-year-old horse Toby have found no leads and no sign of how we even got out. They haven't ruled out that someone took him, but do not find it the most likely option. 

"My horses have respected these fences for years," said Bishop. "All my gates are locked through my whole property." 

Toby Jean Bishop

Bit by bit, Bishop has searched every inch of her Wilton property at Grant Line Road and Wrangler Drive.

She says Toby vanished overnight on Monday. 

"There's no sign of him, there's nothing anywhere. I've had the police, fire station out. Everybody," said Bishop. 

She has had Toby since he was just a few months old. In his old age and failing health he is reliant on medicine and IVs. Without them in the triple-digit heat with no water, Bishop fears the worst.

"Where is he? Is he dead somewhere? I don't know," Bishop said. 

She's not the only one missing Toby. Her 28-year-old horse Easter is like his sister.

"She's very, very lonely. Her and Toby were glued together," said Bishop. 

Bishop says she won't stop searching for Toby. She posted his picture on social media and the Wilton community is on the watch.

"We've tried to look. We've driven everywhere. Everybody in the neighborhood has gone out of their way," said Bishop. 

The Hollingworth family lives in Fair Oaks. They didn't know Bishop but wanted to help take the reins and search for Toby. They were out driving and searching the nearby area with binoculars Friday evening. 

"When I read the post, the only thing I could think was if something like this ever happened to my horse I'd be a nut case. I'd want everybody to help me," said Caroline Hollingsworth. 

Bishop hopes for some answers soon. 

"I just want closure," said Bishop. 

She is asking anyone with a drone who could volunteer to come and help search the area near her home from above to reach out. 

Tips about where Toby could be can be sent by email to or called into the CBS13 newsroom at (916) 374-1301 and we will pass the information to Bishop. 

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