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Where Are My Pants? Senior Frustrated After Dry Cleaner Lost His Clothing

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A Sacramento senior is losing his mind after he says the dry cleaner lost his pants, so he decided to call Kurtis.

He says they returned someone else's dress pants and he wants his pants back. So what now?

Freddie Griffin has a carefully-planned outfit for every day of the week. But he said something is missing from his Saturday olive outfit. He's got his shirt, he's got his shoes, but his pants are nowhere to be found.

"I would like to have my pants back," Griffin said.

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They're pants he's had for decades. He said the dry cleaners returned a different pair, insisting they're his, but Griffin says they don't fit.

"You can see how far they are dragging on the floor," Griffin said.

He said the dry cleaner offered to alter them for a fee, but he said no, because they are not his pants.

So what are you owed if the dry cleaner loses or damages your clothes?

READ MORE: Who Is To Blame If An Item Is Damaged At The Dry Cleaner?

Danielle Hale with the Better Business Bureau said it's rare that consumers get the full cost of the item. It's based on the garment's age, condition, and life expectancy.

"It's like a car, as soon as you drive it off the lot, it depreciates in value," Hale said.

An industry fair claims guide shows a chart of what you're owed. For pants, 37 months or older, in average condition, consumers can expect to get 15% of the replacement value. At $75 new, that's $11.25.

SEE: The Drycleaning and Laundry Institute Fair Claims Guide to Determine An Item's Value

After the Call Kurtis team got involved, the dry clear investigated and still insists those are the pants he dropped off. But, in an act of goodwill, the business agreed to give Griffin the full $75 replacement value.

Griffin appreciated the gesture but is sticking to his guns.

He admitted that he did not discover the issue until he got home. So, make sure to check clothes before you leave the dry cleaner.

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