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What Gift Meant The Most To CBS Sacramento Viewers On Christmas

We asked our viewers on Facebook to answer a simple question for us:

What gift meant the most to you this holiday season? And yes, it can be one you received or one you gave.

And they delivered. This is a sampling of 10 of the responses we've received so far. You can find more replies and share your answers on our Facebook page.


Editor's note: Minor changes were made to some of this post to fix typos.

My mom helped me clean up my house and made Christmas dinner because I've been feeling terrible the past few days. That was probably the best gift that I received this year. -- Sarah Lorraine Cook

My 15-year-old daughter made me a hot cocoa mug in her ceramics class. It is the prettiest mug ever. This is her first year & it looks amazing. She made me an angel, but someone stole it, so she had to make the mug last minute.  -- Evelyn Hurte

Family 'n' friends, and didn't have to cook, we went to the buffet. -- Melody Ohumukini

The gift of waking up another day. Being grateful for family and not material things. -- Jen Coombs

No one fought all day long. It was amazing -- Jamie Needscoffee Shipman 

Made the last payment on my SUV! That was my Christmas present since the final payment was almost twice the normal one. -- Melinda McAlister

The $5 grandmother charm bracelet my 3-year-old granddaughter insisted I buy for myself when we were out Christmas shopping. -- Grace Weimar Rose

Being able to Skype with my Air Force son whose been gone for over three years now. All made possible by my other wonderful son who is a firefighter working tonight -- Greg Martinsen

My husband took my wedding ring and had it enlarged as well as sodiered due to being cut off during my cancer surgery. Before that I had worn it nearly 40 years. We will be married for 40 years on Groundhog Day in February. -- Jacquie Felt Sackrider

The gift I get everyday from Good Day Sacramento / CBS Sacramento and the Ipad -- Matt Brian Dixon


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