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Voters to decide on sale tax increase in 3 Placer County cities to support road improvement plan

CBS News Live
CBS News Sacramento Live

AUBURN – Placer County residents living in three cities in the county will be voting on a sales tax increase that officials say will support a $1.5 billion road and highway improvement plan.

During Tuesday's meeting, Placer County supervisors decided to create a special election for voters who live in Roseville, Rocklin and Lincoln over a half-cent sales tax increase for 30 years to support the road improvement plan. 

The election will be included as a measure of the 2024 General Election on Nov. 5. If approved, the sales tax increase will be charged within the three cities.

The Placer County Transportation Agency's plan includes widening Highway 65 from three to five lanes in each direction between Galleria Boulevard and Twelve Bridges Road.

The plan also includes a safety and capacity improvement project for the Interstate 80 and Highway 65 interchange. 

The county says a portion of the sales tax increase will also go to general road improvements, such as pothole repairs and paving.  A smaller percentage will also go toward improving local transit systems and bike and pedestrian pathways. 

The city councils for the three cities unanimously approved endorsing the plan. The other city and town councils in Placer County also endorsed the plan in April. 

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