Violent Video Games Allowed At Special Needs School
OAKDALE (CBS13) -- A local parent is in protest and upset that kids are playing violent video games at her son's special needs school.
The East Valley Education Center is a school for children with special needs, and at least one family says this is no place for violent video games.
Games such as "Call of Duty 4"and "Modern Warfare", which are rated "M" for mature are some of the games that one parent says the students would play.
"He's autistic," says Robert Moore's mother.
Robert Moore, 16, suffers from mental and emotional problems.
"Our son Robert would come home and tell us they were playing the game," Moore's parent explains.
His parents say they could tell after he played violent video games at school his anger issues would increase, even becoming violent towards his sister.
"It can cause emotional distress," says Kim Moore, Robert's mother.
Richard Ramirez, Robert's stepfather, contacted the school and was told the game was used to reward students as well as help them socialize by bringing them out of their shells.
"We had an appointment set up with the Assistant Superintendent Jose Adalco, but after driving for two hours he stood us up. However, in an earlier phone conversation, he told us the violent video games would no longer be allowed at the school," says Moore.
The family has been voicing their frustration since September, not knowing for sure what effects the violence has on the children who are already struggling.
The family says the preclinical originally told them he wouldn't do anything because they were the only parents who complained, but they also are not sure if other families knew the games were being allowed.