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Vacaville Taking New Approach To Panhandling

VACAVILLE, Calif. (CBS13) -- Recent attempts to ban streetside panhandling in a number of cities have been thrown out in court, but Vacaville is hoping a new campaign will achieve different results.

City officials have launched "A Better Way," which encourages residents to pass up professional panhandlers and put spare change in centrally located donation boxes.

"Instead of giving that guy on the street corner a couple of dollars out of your pocket, give it to a non-profit that could maximize those dollars and help so many more people that way," said Mark Mazzaserro.

Some non-profits, like Vaca Fish, expressed skepticism that the measure could help get the homeless off the streets.

"I don't think it's going to do that because it's their lifestyle," said Frank Johnson.

Officials are still determining where to put the boxes and how to secure them against theft.

The program will likely start this summer.

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