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Truckee Police Officer Has 8-Year-Old Write Apology Letter For Throwing Rocks After Mom's Call

TRUCKEE (CBS13) — A Truckee mom called the police on her 8-year-old son after he was caught throwing rocks.

It was a tough lesson in respect that ended in a heartwarming handwritten apology.

Jennifer Morrill will do anything for her children, even if it means getting tough.

"I hope that other moms would do the same thing," she said.

But when Morrill got a call that her son was throwing rocks at cars, she did what most moms wouldn't do. She called dispatch, reporting vandalism on the school playground.

"I said my son did it. He's at the school. Can an officer meet me at the school and talk to Abraham?" she said.

Truckee Police officer Jeff Safford was at the playground in minutes.

"He explained to me what happened," he said.

Safford explained to Abraham that he broke someone's windshield when he threw that rock, and it could have caused an accident.

"It's a matter of trying to correct their behaviors when they're young," he said.

"I didn't know I broke the law until they told me I did," Abraham said.

Officer Safford asked Abraham to write an apology note to the driver he hit. Abraham did it first thing when he got home.


Dear sir I am very very very sorry for throing the rock at youre nice car. And the cops came and told me that my bad decision to throw rocks could have caused an accident and really hurt an innocent person. I will choose to make good decisions, and be a good example to my friends. Please forgive me. I will give you my moms phone number and I would like to do chores for you if you want.

Abraham is suspended from his after-school program for a week after throwing the rocks.

Police say the driver was very understanding when he found out an 8-year-old boy hit his car.

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