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Tree Limb Falls Onto Sacramento Home

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- More rain on Monday in Sacramento brought mixed reactions, but most people said it was too early for such a downpour.

"It just started early, and it's going to be cold all winter long," Juelleann Boyer told CBS13's Ben Sosenko.

For Todd Darling, the October rain is much more then a nuisance. It caused a giant tree limb to fall on top of his Sacramento home. There's now a big hole in the ceiling and the rain was falling inside the home.

"It was two martini time!" Darling joked. "Nobody was hurt and none of our vehicles were hurt, so we're able to go on. We need a new roof now and some structural work done."

The rain also sent some people home who were participating in the Occupy Sacramento protest at Cesar Chavez Park.

Those sticking it out had to put up tents or whatever they could find to stay dry.

"It's a little bit of a sprinkle, it's not a big deal," Matt Vicland of Sacramento said.

Don't tell that to Darling, who has quite the clean-up ahead of him.

"We'll be here in the house taking care of the dogs," he said. "They don't like hotels."

An arborist on scene at Darling's home said we are going to see more limbs down Tuesday.
Once the water from Monday's rain soaks into the limbs, they are going to get heavier and eventually fall.

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