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Thieves Steal Tractor, Tools From Rancho Cordova Park

RANCHO CORDOVA (CBS13) -- Thieves have stolen equipment used for maintaining the grounds at Hagan Community Park in Rancho Cordova, including a reconditioned 1951 tractor.

tractor stolen
This reconditioned 1951 tractor was stolen from Hagan Community Park in Rancho Cordova. (submitted by Bill Yoder)

Bill Yoder takes a lot of pride in the model steam-engine locomotives at the park.

"Currently we're replacing 480 feet of track," said Yoder, president of the Sacramento Valley Live Steamers Railroad Museum at the park. "We have 30 tons of gravel that needs to be moved."

But it's on to Plan B in order have the trains running in time for public rides next month.

"Some of it we're doing by hand now," he said. "We have a couple young guys who have come out to help. We do have a small tractor that we're doing some work with."

A storage shed was emptied out by vandals.

"They took a power grinder and just went in and just cut the whole plate off," Yoder said.

The tractor stolen had been used to help get the grounds ready for spring visitors.

"It was a 1951 Ferguson farm tractor, old-fashioned looking tractor reconditioned," Yoder said.

The equipment has been missing since Thursday, and it's not the first time this spot has been hit. The park has lost $1,500 worth of tools, all since the new year.

"Chains broken on the gates, fence cut, locks broken," Yoder said. "We're beefing up security as best we can. We have limited funds like everything else."

But the timing couldn't be worse.

"Right now during January and February, weather permitting, we do a lot of track replacement and track repair," he said.

A $1,000 reward is being offered to get the tractor back.

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