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Thieves Now Targeting Medical and Vet Clinics In Fairfield

FAIRFIELD (CBS13) - Thieves have set their sights on medical and veterinary clinics, hitting nearly a dozen during a crime spree in Fairfield.

They used a rock to break the glass and make their way inside an animal hospital to steal what some say is becoming a hot commodity on the street.

"It's just a little bit disturbing because we try so hard to help this community," veterinarian Dr. Julie Cole said.

Disturbing to be a victim and puzzling to see what burglars stole. At first, it even had Julie scratching her head.

"They took a trash can that we have and they just dumped all of the Frontline into the trash can," she said.

Frontline is a flea medication. They stole about $2,000 worth. It retails for around $40 to $50 a box so she believes there's a black market for it.

"So they can come in here and by taking this, they can sell it without a prescription on eBay or wherever they want to sell it and it's cash for them, it's Christmas money," she said.

But the thieves also hit Barney and Russum Animal Clinic and got away with a computer.

"We have alarms and stuff but they were in and out very quickly," Dr. Robert Russum said.

Since July Fairfield police say thieves have hit 10 medical and veterinary clinics. They're looking into whether the cases are connected.

Julie hopes investigators get the break they need to crack the crime spree as she tries to cage the frustration that goes along with being a victim.

"I've stopped trying to imagine what's going on in a thief's head," she said.

No pets were stolen or hurt during these burglaries. Dr. Cole says she's now locking up most of the Frontline and keeping it out of sight.

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