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Thieves Bring Cold, Dark Start To Elk Grove Students' School Day

ELK GROVE (CBS13) - Several classrooms at Franklin Elementary School near Elk Grove were in the dark today after thieves caused kids to start their day in darkness.

The school district says this new type of crime is something they've never seen before.

"Even without the lights on in class, you just kept right at it," Franklin Elementary School's principal told a classroom of kids.

A total of seven circuit breakers were stolen on Sunday.

"Came in, lights off and 45 degrees in the classroom," said first grade teacher Diana Bassi.

Bassi is one of 11 teachers who walked into a classroom with no power.

"We all kept our coats and hats and hoods on because it was cold," said Bassi.

The students got some daylight from windows and thankfully, a parent brought a camping lantern.

"We have not experienced circuit breakers before stolen before, so it's certainly unusual. Hopefully it's an isolated incident," said Elk Grove Unified School District spokesperson Elizabeth Graswich.

The circuit breakers were larger than those you'd find in a house. For some reason, the culprits thought the electrical components were valuable enough they were worth stealing from a fenced-off and bolted-up electricity unit.

The district quickly brought in new circuit breakers.

"It's always disappointing when someone targets a school these are considered safe havens," said Graswich.

Bassi is proud she could still count on her students to stay focused despite the setback.

"It's bad enough to do to anybody, but an elementary school just seems really sad and low," said Bassi.

Deputies and the school resource officer are hoping to track down the culprits.

Electricians had power back up and running by lunch.

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