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The Grant Napear Show - January 14, 2013

Last night, Sacramento Kings fans launched "HereWeBuy", a grassroots movement intent on keeping the Kings in Sacramento. As of the start of the Grant Napear Show, fans and local businesses had pledged $4 million and counting. Grant discusses this massive effort by the Sacramento community.

Ryan Lillis of the Sacramento Bee joins Grant on the program to help sort through the many rumors surrounding the Kings. Can a new ownership group save the Kings for Sacramento? What about the rumor that the Maloofs won't sell to a Sacramento ownership group? Is there a possible happy ending for both cities?

David Aldridge of reported that the Kings are on a "clear path" to Seattle earlier today. He also reported that the Maloofs have no interest in selling to an ownership group that would keep the team in Sacramento. Grant chats with Aldridge about that report.

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