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The Don Geronimo Show - October 29, 2012

Today, the Giants won the World Series, and Craig couldn't be happier!! Don tosses around the idea of a mohawked Craig going down to the parade in San Francisco on Wednesday to get sound, and the guys talk a little bit about the game, before Don tells us about his weekend, which included flooring the new room in his garage, and adding Skittles and Ring Pops to his full size candy bar stash for all the little kids on Halloween. The guys then talk a bit about Hurricane Sandy, which should be hitting the east coast this evening, and Don gives Big Freda a call to talk about the conditions back there. We also hear a parody song about the hurricane, set to the tune of "Mandy," and then Dennis Murphy calls in to talk about the weather as well.

After Don calls a few hotels in Maui to see if he can find G.M. Steve, who's on vacation there, we hear a few World Series clips, including awful renditions of "God Bless America," and the National Anthem, the final out of the game, and Pablo Sandoval being awarded the Series MVP. The guys then play "Slow Joe makes the sexy calls,"and Don reads of a list of horror films that "burn the most calories."

We then get a visit from comedian Dana Carvey. Dana, who's performing at the Nugget in Reno this weekend, and the Uptown Theater in Napa November 10, talks with Don about adjusting his career around his family, the craziness of teenagers, and being friends with our good buddy Frank Caliendo, he also does his Regis impersonation for Don!

After hearing that Honey Boo Boo wears Pull Up diapers at the age of 7, Don reads a new "QB conversation" from, and then it's time for the "Phantom News Hour." Today, Phantom tells us about Hurricane Sandy bearing down on the east coast, a cheating scandal in a Romanian fishing contest, Green Day cancels the rest of their 2012 dates, and Meatloaf butchers a Romney campaign event. And of course, Don wraps everything up with a caller 100!

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