The Don Geronimo Show - February 6, 2013
We start the day picking up where we left off on the homeless surfer/Jesus guy story from yesterday, in which Kai the surfer beat up the Jesus guy with a hatchet, because he was attacking a woman. We hear Kai's expletive account of the incident, which the guys find hilarious. We also hear that Little Joe's son Jack dropped the F Bomb yesterday, and that a Colorado second grader was suspended for throwing "pretend hand grenades." After hearing few famous songs with only the vocal tracks, including tunes by the Rolling Stones, Smokey Robinson, and Frank Sinatra, We hear about Don's client meeting yesterday, and this gets Don talking about the time he was on the Captain 20 Show when he was a kid, and the gerbil that made him cry on TV.
Don then tells a few stories from his childhood, when he was a radio prize pig, and then we watch a video of a dumb teenager who curses at a judge, and gets sentenced to 30 days. After another phone scan, it's time for the "Phantom News." Today, the Sandy Hook kids are performing at the Grammy's, people with mental disorders are 70% more likely to smoke, and Business Insider's "13 Safest Cities." And of course, Don wraps everything up with a caller 100!