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The Don Geronimo Show - February 21, 2012

Today, Don begins with the Jeremy Lin "Chink in the armor" controversy from over the weekend, then tells us Janet is back from Pennsylvania! Apparently, she went through some major airline debacles just to get back. Don took her to the movies over the weekend, but tells us it was a bad idea, because her took her to see "The Descendants," which is about a guy who finds out his dead wife was cheating on him. He also tells us about all the annoying old people who were talking and making noise in the theater during the movie. We also find out that Janet introduced Don to "hamloaf" last night, and Don tells us how it was.

The guys then get into a discussion about 2 homeless Fresno men who have called 911 twice a day for a year, leading to a half a million dollars in tax money. We then hear Rachel Nichols' interview with Jeremy Lin, and the top 10 Christian rap songs. After talking about Chris Brown reuniting with Rihanna, and recording with her, and the WWE's CM Punk getting into a Twitter war with Chris Brown, Don plays a clip of two men having gay sex on a jazz radio station.

It's then time for a visit from comedian Bobcat Goldthwait, who has written and directed a new movie called "God Bless America," which is about a guy who gets fed up with all the garbage he sees on TV and in pop culture, and goes on a killing spree, which the guys all think is hilarious! Bob tells us about the making of his movie, his upcoming appearance at Rooster T Feathers in Sunnyvale on Feb 24th and 25th, and who in comedy is he still friends with. After the interview, Don calls bars in New Orleans, in honor of Fat Tuesday, to talk to the drunkest people in the bar.

Still on the Mardi Gras subject, the guys talk about which local news ladies they would most like to see topless, before going into the "Phantom News Hour." Today, Phantom talks about NBC extending Chelsea Clinton's contract, the weekend's box office ratings, Lindsay Lohan appearing on SNL very soon, and new evidence that shows Hitler had a love child with a teenage French woman. And of course, Don wraps everything up with a caller 100!

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