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The Don Geronimo Show - April 9, 2012

Today, Don begins by telling us he used the ladies room before the show, because he saw Craig walking into the mens room first, and knowing Craig's reputation for having massive power dukes, knew it wouldn't be a good idea to follow him in. Don then discusses the differences in the ladies room with the guys. Dave tells us that he started smoking again over the weekend, after 9 weeks without a cigarette, and during every break this morning, he went out and smoked more. We then hear about Don's almost meltdown on Janet over the TV volume not working, and the lady they saw at Lucille's that had a mustache.

Legendary "60 Minutes" reporter Mike Wallace passed away over the weekend at the age of 93,and Don plays a few clips from his career, including some old Lucky Strike ads he used to do. We then hear that our good friend Steve Bryant has been offered 2 jobs in London- one DJ gig, and one as a reporter for Al Jazeera. Don sends out the bat signal to have Steve call up the show, and lo and behold, Steve calls in shortly after to talk about the job offers!

After hearing an assorted array of clips, including Marion Barry's "Asian" comments over the weekend, some "outtakes" of Christian Bale and Morgan Freeman (from Dark Knight) in which Don asks if they're real or jive, and George Harrison's version of Ringo's hit "It Don't Come Easy," Don plays an old aircheck from his old WAVA days in which he talks to his mother on the air. The sound of his mom's voice starts to get Don irritated, and Don tells us how much he hates her for not telling him he was adopted until he found out in his mid-twenties.

We find out that Good Day Sacramento will be stopping by to dispute the dodgeball game, claiming that Dave and Craig cheated, and in the meantime, we hear a clip from the Easter conference Tim Tebow attended, then a clip of Tiger Woods saying "God damn it Tiger" at yesterday's Masters, and then a clip of porno stars reacting to Rick Santorum's plan to outlaw porn if he's elected President.
Ken Rudolph from Good Day then stops by with blown up pictures of Craig hitting Mark S. Allen in the dodgeball game, and says Craig is clearly over the center line in the picture (the ball had already left Craig's hand at that point). Ken then challenges the guys to a rematch!

It's then time for the "Phantom News Hour." Today, Phantom gives us the box office numbers from the weekend, tells us Kobayashi ate 25 marshmallow peeps in 30 seconds, and has us guess the top 10 best selling chocolate candies, to which Dave guesses "Skittles." And of course, Don wraps everything up with a caller 100.

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