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The Don Geronimo Show - April 10, 2012

Today, Don begins by telling us about the idiots doing a Titanic re enactment today, taking the exact same course that the ill-fated ship took exactly 100 years ago today. He then addresses the emails he got yesterday regarding his discussion about being adopted, and how much he hates his adopted mom. Feeling many of the emailers took his comments out of context, Don tells more stories about the bad things his parents did to him and his brother while they were growing up. Don then tells us he wants to have women with facial hair to come down to the station and be on the show, offering $1000 to the woman with the best hairy face. Don then brings in Little Joe to take the "Cinnamon Challenge," in which Joe tries to eat a spoonful of cinnamon, which he immediately spits out, gags, and almost chokes! Don also plays the video Joe posted on Facebook of him trying the challenge last November, and apparently there is a fart on the video Joe didn't know about!

After discussing Ozzie Guillen's "Castro" comments, and the Titanic re enactment further, Don gives us the top 10 "Worst Songs To Have Sex To," before talking about their favorite Alec Baldwin movies. We then hear a song from Little Joe's prep site entitled: "Hate Gettin' Up," a parody of Bad Company's "Can't Get Enough," and clips of two CNN reporters dropping "N" bombs. We also hear Kathie Lee's "tiny wiener" comment, and Mr. McFeeley from Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood freaking little kids out with the Purple Panda. We then get a visit from our friend, comedian Kevin Nealon. Kevin talks about Weeds, his thoughts on The Masters, and playing at the Lake Tahoe Celebrity Tournament every year. Don then plays the "outtake" clips from yesterday of Morgan Freeman and Christian Bale, now with the curse words bleeped out, and the video Dave took of Joe eating the cinnamon (in which Craig is constantly scratching himself in the background). Don then tells us about a place in Las Vegas called "Hangover Heaven," in which they claim to have a 45 minute hangover cure.

It's then time for the "Phantom News Hour." Today, Phantom talks about Sacha Baron Cohen's movie "The Dictator" being pushed back so it doesn't open with "Dark Shadows," which comes out this weekend, the new "Dark Knight" movie being rated PG-13, and Facebook buys IDGS 0410nstagram for $1 billion. And of course, Don wraps everything up with a caller 100!

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