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Tea Party Express Founder Compares Donald Trump's Run To Ross Perot's 1992 Bid

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — The man who created the Tea Party Express and served as Ross Perot's political director says Donald Trump has voters engaged, but not committed.

Sal Russo's walls are lined with political mementos that span generations.

"This was in my office, my little cubicle, in the campaign in 1966," he said.

Russo was also political director for Perot's 1992 presidential bid, and he founded the Tea Party Express seven years ago.

Now Russo's closely watching the 2016 campaign and the Trump phenomenon. Russo says the ratings are good for America.

"I would say it's a good thing he's got people focused," he said.

But he adds Trump's poll numbers don't reflect on how Republicans will vote in next year's primaries. Russo says the numbers are emotional.

"The fact that he has that New Yorker, in your face, you know, it's appealing right now," he said.

He calls Trump the protest pick, similar to Perot. But eventually, the protest will need policy.

Russo says he nor his political-action committee have given any money to presidential candidates, yet, taking a wait-and-see approach.

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